Monday, October 8, 2007

Prayer Requests

Dear Readers,

I'd like to offer up a few prayer requests for those in need:

1. Arly and Shirley as Shirley battles ALS (Lou-Gehrig's Disease)
2. Roger and Dolores as Roger battles ALS as well

Both of these couples are strong in their faith and strong in their battles. But even while the Devil prowls around us and tries to separate us as sheep from the herd, we hear the voice of our Savior Jesus Christ coming to get us and bring us back to safety. It is in faith we know that even while we watch our old bodies turn against us, wasting away into death, our good Lord promises that what we see is not what will be. He tells us a scrap of bread is really His body, He calls up sinners to tell them God treats them as though they were saints, and proclaims the hope of life is hidden even in the unsightliness and fear of death. We live under the sign of the opposite. Life is hidden up in Shirley and Roger, even while they look more like death. Life is also hidden up in Arly and Dolores as their hands are blessed with love and patience - even while their eyes betray exhaustion, fear, and loneliness of a life without their beloved to come.

So lets lift these saints of the faith up in prayer. Lets be so bold as to pray for a miracle - that Roger and Shirley will have a complete restoration of the body - and lets do that without fear that we might be disappointed. I have to admit that I'm afraid of that disappointment. But just like yesterday's reading from the prophet Habakkuk (chapter 1 - the actual reading was 1:1-4 and 2:1-4... but the whole reading is great), we can take up the voice of the prophet and raise our cry of anger and fear of pain and death to God... in full expectation of a response. And God does respond (1:5):

"Be astonished! Be astounded! For a work is being done in your days that you would not believe... even if you were told."

God's right. There's a lot of things God can do, that I'm not sure I would believe, even if God gave me a pre-emptive heads up. But as a Christian, I've been called to cry out with honesty... and even with anticipation of response. The Holy Spirit puts a Word of sorrow and grief, of love for these dear neighbors and of expectation, trusting that the words don't fall on deaf ears. Its a tall order. But God even promised that He would provide the trust needed to even pray with such candor, strength, and persistence.

God will come in spite of death. Even though Roger's formerly strong body - once used to fly planes, hold his wife, and show his children and grandson how to drive a boat - now looks crumpled and rebellious against life, God is there with him. God promises to be found even as He hides life in the middle of death. God comes not in the holy places, but in the middle of life; coming only to die in a junk heap outside of Jerusalem. God has come in His Son Jesus Christ to raise this sick man and sick woman from the rubble and waste of their old bodies.

So even while we can live in certainty that their bodies will be renewed as they are ushered into the arms of God in heaven, lets take up the mantle of the prophet Habakkuk and cry out with question and expectation "Violence! And you will not save?"

God, I'm sure You will astonish us - and give us strength to believe even in the face of death. So come now and let us see Your saving hand. We're waiting, impatiently and with expectation.

Oh, and I forgot one who is also very important:
Please pray for Shelton Root, who has had a major facial reconstruction (rhinoplasty). He's in quite a bit of pain and needs prayers for comfort, strength, and faith that it is God who will provide for him.

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