Thursday, November 29, 2007

Vicar Goes To Staff Meeting

Thursday is always a day of great anticipation. Exciting things seem to happen on Thursdays; Morning gym time, seniors meeting, Mens' Bible study, class preparation, The Office and Scrubs with a glass of red wine...

But today brought a different Thursday flavor. Pastor Jerry decided to introduce "Staff To Go Over Impending Sermon Thursdays." This has been the highlight of the week. We met and had a discussion that went analogously like this:

Person A: Do you like butterflies?
Person B: No, red sweaters frighten me.
Person C: My Auntie Bertha hated turkey.
Person D: It's true - I heard Denzel Washington said so.
Person B: So what is the problem with global warming?
Person C: I've used Crest toothpaste since I was a child!
Person A: Why do you disdain Harry Wendt so much?
Person B: I don't disdain Wendt. I disdain ice cream - lactose intolerance.
Person D: Oh look! There goes Ms. Olson.

And every time you *think* it is time to stand up and say your goodbyes... nope! Just kidding! Yes, yes, yes, yes... ahhhh... no.

This small clip, after whom the blog is named, is a tribute to my staff meeting experience. I won't tell you who is who... but you can make guesses as to the characters involved. In addition, focus only on the times when the entire council/staff meets... the in between times parallel nothing happening in Valpo presently.

I must say, however, this beautiful Thursday morning ended well with an extended discussion with Ms. Olson regarding her extensive and colorful bowel troubles.
Apropos indeed.

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