Friday, November 2, 2007

It's Not What You Think, Ocifer...

I was pulled over at 3:01 a.m., 31. October, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Hard to believe, I know, but occasionally it happens. This is lucky #3 for me and my diverse driving career and its currently one for three in terms of getting an actual ticket. TPR Officer K. Devries is the name on my traffic warning and I'd just like to take this moment to share with you, dear reader, what a fine police officer this man is.

While of course being pulled over is one of those life events we might like to avoid (and indeed, my heart was beating into my throat at the time), this officer made a beeline for me with a smile and a helpful concern regarding my front right headlight. It seems Officer Devries has not yet become so disillusioned by matters of the law that he has booked a cell at his local seminary for more Gospel-related citations...

During preschool the police officers usually make a visit in their subdued blues with shiny badges, sounding the siren for excited little ones who clamp their hands firmly over their ears. Each receive a little plastic sheriffs badge and the little boys begin to dream about their future in the squad, anxious to rid the world of crime with the other superheroes in blue. They will, of course, feel the same urgency when the men in red show up to put out fires, but there is something romantic and death-defying about doing the grunt work of public protection. Policemen and women are the ones we all want to trust to keep us safe and free from the dangers our neighbor or strangers might seek to inflict upon us. Officer K. Devries reminded me of that the other night - that old sense of trust and confidence I felt in preschool: that there is indeed someone strong and kind who has the wherewithal to keep common folks like me safe in day to day matters.

So if you are out late one night, driving in an unfortunate state of padiddlement, just hope its Officer K. Devries at your service.
He's one of the good guys.

1 comment:

Christopher Miller said...

For another story of grace-filled lawgivers, check out Rebecca's blog: