Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Turkey Time

Thanksgiving 2007 was best I can remember!
Hanging out with the family was so much fun! Here are a few fun pictures:

Cousin Jack #12, taking names with the Compuware Team

Birthday Cake!
Mom always picks the pretty ones with flowers.
Cake is never worth eating without the frosting...

My brother Jonathan and I - he's 6'6" now!

Dad and I

Group Photo!
Mom and Dad had a great time!

Surprised at how amazing the frosting is?
Not me! Mom is the BEST!

Mom and Dad gave me a WHOLE JAR of capers!
(and some pretty earrings!)

Jonathan and cousin Ellen out for a night on the town

Cousin Julia was a mouse in the Nutcracker!
She was wonderful and even had a solo!

Grandma and I post-tuck in at the Sidetrack in Ypsi.
Ypsi makes us Tipsy!
(we weren't actually tipsy - its just fun to say!)

Not pictured:

- The most tender and delicious turkey cooked by one Mrs. Carol Strom
- Side dishes, including mashed sweet potatoes, bacon-topped stuffing (because everything is better with bacon), broccoli, rolls, squash bisque, shrimp cocktail, fruit platters, baked root veggies, and GRANDMA'S MASHED POTATOES!
- All of the times my brother and I were tackled, whacked, tickled, thumped, wrestled, twisted, hugged, and dragged by our little cousins!
- Sitting with the head coach of the Detroit Redwings during cousin Jack's hockey game! Go Wings!
- Sleeping arrangements at Grandma - poor Mom and Dad sleeping on a mattress that looks something like this: \_/
- All of the other yummy food and great conversation we enjoyed all weekend long!
- All of the really sweet hugs, laughs, and kind words exchanged among everyone

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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