Monday, September 10, 2007

Gloria Jean, My Queen

My new best friend is the gourmet coffee machine outside of my corner office. Gloria Jean? I'd like to shake her hand! Christ LC has a "Coffering Ministry" in which there is a great little corner full of tasty coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. This is proving mighty helpful in my rush to kick the Diet Cola habit!

This was my second full week of work here in Midwesternia and it was full of bits and pieces. Right now I'm a little frustrated because I feel as though each one of these blog entries should begin with "Dear Diary..." Lots of photos, odds and ends... I'm still trying to create a routine where I have regular visits, responsibilities, etc. I am still in the limbo of learning names in the congregation and prodding the staff to remember I'm here and have a keen desires and need for daily work (see Explanation to the First Article of the Creed). As for learning names, I have discovered that the best fallbacks are "Jim" and "John" or "Karen" and "Kathy." Two Olga's later, and its just about right. Thank goodness for Midwestern simplicity!

As for responsibilities though, strangely enough for a Lutheran church, there are little to no sick or shut-in people, so visitation is at a premium. Thank God for the health of these people! But it seems to leave the staff (myself included) in such a strange position of work beginning only after these healthy, vibrant people get out of work, school, and the laundry list of activities. So now I am left with lots of time during the day to study and put together Bible and catechetical studies, activities, and so on. I also find it strange that one of the jobs of "pastor" seems to simply "be available." But I've never been comfortable with just waiting around. I want to DO something! My jealousy of Luther Seminarians who are back to school today abounds. Hopefully this is my last "Dear Diary-esque" entry, as I have a few ideas of how to pick up a little more this weekgiven new comfort levels.

Until then, here are a few highlights of this past week:

1. Kelsay and Dave came to visit Tuesday afternoon! Chinese food never tastes so good as with them!

2. Choir Practice Kick-off at the pastors house. Jello salad, mac and cheese, pulled pork with a side dish of hymn-sing... need I say more?

3. Confirmation: my favorite part of the week. I have a wonderful, shy, and curious group of 9 8th graders! We talked about what sin actually is and then put percentages on ourselves about how much "sin" and how much "good" we each are - then had a great talk about what confession and absolution is.

4. I was so annoyed at the notion of staying inside for yet another weekend evening, so I grabbed a good book and headed up the road to Pikk's Tavern. My intention was to enjoy a bowl of "Seafood Chowdah" as found on their online menu with a side of beer battered onion rings (has anyone noticed how "food intensive" this blog has been?), but they were clean out! So instead I ordered a bacon cheeseburger, medium rare. When it was delivered I should have realized what I was getting into, especially with steak tartar on the menu. I bit in and it was nearly raw inside. What an AMAZING burger! I'm a little carnivorous when it comes down to it - and too many of those would make me a shut-in before too long with congestive heart failure. But thank goodness for a soft, tasty burger! (I apologize for the description to my vegetarian cousins and friends!).

5. Popcorn Festival: Lastly, a little slice of Americana. I woke up on Saturday morning, grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat by the kitchen window to watch the Home of Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn Parade! Here are a few photos from the parade and the brat stand Christ LC has manned for 29 years and counting (even though I enjoyed my third corndog and pieroshki's from the Catholic booth!):

Get all of your Popcorn Informational
needs met here!

Valparaiso Marching Band

Valparaiso Football Team Pride!
(Brings back oh-so-fond memories of Fairfax HS)

Hot Air Balloon guys who decided the Valpo trees
just weren't that pretty - so why not singe them down a bit?

Fearless Youth Director Tammy dogging the Brat station
and my Confirmation group partner Don bratting the Dog station

For another update... come back in a day or two!

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