Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Johnny's Gone Off to the Fair

I can't believe I live in Indiana. So, in an effort to ease the transition - for your viewing pleasure - are a few photos of my last day in St. Paul, Minnesota. Hooray for the "Great Minnesota Get-Together!"

The State Fair:
Paula, David, and I loitering in front of the Pronto Pup stand: Wieners Dun in a Bun!
My SECOND corn dog ever- Yum! Three cheers to Luther Seminary
for introducing me to these tasty treats. I need more of those... Pronto! (haha!)
Cheese Curds!
As you can see, the cornerstone of the State Fair for us non-farming folk is FOOD! Here we see the state fair goer enjoying a large fresh malted strawberry dairy shake - from the Dairy Stand in the Dairy barn! Also included in this barn are a the daily Dairy Princess butter carvings.Mike Pomeranz and Belinda Jenson reporting the 5 o'clock news. We made it on television! I'll miss these two. The Chicagoland reporters just aren't the same... A visit to the Miracle of Birth Barn. I think you might thank me for not photographing the "farrowing" process, but here is a beautiful hours-old lamb. Paula did not seem to appreciate my little lamb impressions ("maaah!") as much as the ewe did. You're different!

An unfortunate run-in with a large puddle. It rained all day long!

Face-off! After a very heated table discussion about Green vs. Red...
I'll leave it to you readers to decide.

Three cheers for the state fair! I will post more about moving day and Indiana very soon.


Vicky said...

Fun happenings, Natalie! Its great to see what you are up to. This is my site if you want to see what I am up to...

Rebecca said...

We sure did miss the State Fair this year!

Unknown said...

Holy cow! Apparently, David can hardly believe you are about to eat your second corn dog ever. As a fellow fair attendee, I am surprised you did not include commentary about the delicious bottomless cups of milk or single solidified bucket-sized cookie.

David and I are considering a return to the fair tonight to see Garrison Keillor and the fireworks, but seeing as it all starts after 8pm we will probably just stay home...

We miss you!!